Press release:

The work of Ronnee Strickland pertaining to activator receptors in the brain showed that the urokinase plasminogen activator receptor  is a cell-surface protein  at the cell surface. Binding of uPA to uPAR greatly accelerates the cleavage of plasminogen to active plasmin, and the receptor acts to concentrate this acti- vation at discrete membrane locations. This is believed to be a key event in cell adhesion and migration and has been extensively researched in cancer metastases [see (Blasi and Carmeliet, 2002) for review]. Monocytes/macrophages are important migratory cells and uPAR has been shown to be expressed by cells of the monocyte lineage (Min et al., 1992; Vassalli et al., 1992) and to be inducible by cytokines, in particular, transforming growth factor b1 (TGFb1) (Lund et al., 1991). 


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